When involved in a bankruptcy case, debtors, creditors and other parties may receive notices, orders, letters and other types of correspondence pertaining to proceedings from the US Bankruptcy Court by US Mail delivery. It is therefore very important that if you are a party to a case in the Middle District of Florida Bankruptcy Court and you move or change a mailing address, that the address change be submitted in writing in a timely manner so there is no interruption. The staff in the Bankruptcy Court are not permitted to change an address on a bankruptcy case based on a phone call or an email.
Below is a link to a Notice of Change of Address form offered in a fillable portable document format (.pdf):
The Notice of Change of Address form must contain an original, "pen to paper" signature of the filing party and should include all information listed on the form such as current and prior address information. The Notice of Change of Address form may be brought to the US Bankruptcy Court Clerk's intake office where the case was filed, or may be mailed to that Clerk's office location.
Below is a link to the Court's divisional office locations: