Enter your most recent completed units first and work backward.
- Do not include "in-progress courses" if you are currently enrolled.
- Do not enter credit hours or grades for classes taken Pass/No Pass.
Test Scores
Your program does not require any information on test scores.
Each applicant is required to submit a resume to showcase their paid and/or volunteer experience. Please submit a recent resume that includes the total number of hours worked for each position. For your current employment, total the number of hours as of the end of the week prior to submitting your application.
Sample Excerpt:
Intern, CSUN Pride Center September 2015 to May 2016
Northridge, California 20 hours/week, Total = 640 hours
- Provided mentorship to undergraduate staff one-on-one
- Co-facilitated Tuesday Talks student discussion group with one other staff member
- Collected and entered data for Version Two of the Campus Pride Index
Click on the links below to view resume samples:
- Strong Resume (PDF)
- Resumes not meeting criteria (PDF)
Your resume may include a combination of the following:
- Current Work Experience
Please describe your current or most recent paid employment. Include the following details: company name and location, job title, dates of employment, your tasks and responsibilities, the number of hours you worked each week, and total number of hours for each position. This can include work experience that is not explicitly social work related.
- Professional Social Work Experience
Please describe any paid work you have done. Please highlight any social work experience. Include the following details: company name and location, job title, dates of employment, your tasks and responsibilities, the number of hours you worked each week, and total number of hours for each position.
- Volunteer Social Work Experience
Please describe any volunteer work you have done in the field of social work or in the helping professions. Include the following details: company name and location, job title, dates of employment, your tasks and responsibilities, the number of hours you worked each week, and total number of hours for each position.
- Leadership and/or Advocacy Experience
Please indicate any leadership and/or advocacy experience you have gained. Include the following details: organization/community/agency name and location, length of time, the number of hours you contributed to the activity, total number of hours for each activity, your personal tasks and responsibilities, and the overall activity description.
- Miscellaneous
Please indicate any professional organizations of which you are a member and/or information on any honors or recognitions (professional or academic) you have received
General formatting requirements: your resume should be 1-2 pages. The department receives resumes in various templates; select one that highlights your experience best.
Applicant Contract
- Read and initial the applicant contract (PDF)
- Upload contract with your department application
A cohort is selected for the applicant by the program coordinator
Dr. Wendy Ashley
Department of Social Work
Sierra Hall 208
CSU Northridge
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8226
Phone: (818) 677-7630
Fax: (818) 677-7662
Monday - Friday
8 AM to 5 PM
Closed weekends and observed holidays.
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330
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